Sarah Adina Smith,
"The Midnight Swim"
Writer/director Sarah Adina Smith’s eerie found-footage psychodrama The Midnight Swim finds three half-sisters returning to their childhood lakefront home to cope with the presumed drowning of their environmental activist mother (Beth Grant). Hiding behind her video camera, June (A Teacher's Lindsay Burdge) documents the strange goings on around the house that begins the morning after she, Annie (Jennifer Lafleur) and Isa (Aleksa Palladino) drunkenly participate in a midnight swim ritual that purportedly summons a spirit that resides in the lake, accordingly to local folklore. The Midnight Swim marks Sarah Adina Smith’s directorial debut. The Other Worlds Austin SciFi Film Festival will screen the enigmatic family drama 9:30 p.m. July 9 at the Southwest Theaters Lake Creek 7 with writer/director Sarah Adina Smith in attendance.
Aired: July 9, 2015 Web sites: and |