Sam Wainwright Douglas,
"Through the Repellent Fence:
A Land Art Film"
Directed by the Austin-based Sam Wainwright Douglas, Through the Repellent Fence: A Land Art Film chronicles the 2015 construction of a four-day outside art project that ran crossed a mile on each side of the U.S.-Mexican border close to Douglas, Arizona, and Sonara, Mexico. Created by the art collective Postcommodity, the artwork included 26 inflatable spheres, each decorated with “open eye” insignias. Through the Repellent Fence will screen during the SXSW Film Festival at 10:15 p.m. March 17 at the Alamo South Lamar. Sam Wainwright Douglas previously directed last year’s SXSW Film Festival entry Honky Tonk Heaven.
Aired: March 16, 2017 Web sites:, and |