Andrew Krakower,
Directed by the Austin-based Andrew Krakower, the narrative short Yarne focuses on a disagreement that threatens to ruin the friendship between two child monks studying at a monastery in Nepal. During an annual six-week period of studying and mediation known as Yarne, the child monks receive cash offerings from visitors to the monastery for their prayers. Tashi (Dawa Dorjee) wants to spend his money on soda, but Sonam (Konchok Rangdol) wants to save up to purchase a soccer ball. Yarne follows Sonam's efforts to stand up to the more aggressive Tashi. Yarne will screen at 1 p.m. Oct. 25 and 6:30 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Rollins Theatre as part of the Austin Film Festival's Everything's Shorter in Texas 1 shorts program. UT film grad Andrew Krakower previously directed the documentary The Children's War. Krakower, who taught the Nepali language at Kathmandu University’s Buddhist Studies Department, shot Yarne at the Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Nepal and cast the film with child monks. Posed: Oct. 25, 2019 Web sites: |