Frank Pavich, director,
"Jodorowsky's Dune"
A decade before David Lynch unveiled his ill-fated version of Dune, Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky embarked on an ambitious plan to film the Frank Herbert sci-fi literary classic as his follow-up to the critically acclaimed El Topo and Holy Mountain. Jodorowsky’s failed attempt to mount his 10-hour, acid-drenched adaptation is the subject of director Frank Pavich’s documentary, Jodorowsky's Dune. The documentary screened during last year’s Fantastic Fest and will be available Tuesday, July 8 on Blu-ray and DVD. Pavich previously directed the documentary N.Y.H.C. and produced Die, Mommie, Die! I spoke with Pavich during last year’s Fantastic Fest.
Aired: July 3, 2014 Web sites: and |