Luke Korem,
"Milli Vanilli"
Directed by the Austin-based filmmaker Luke Korem, the documentary Milli Vanilli dissects one of the most infamous scandals to rock the recording industry from many of those who lived through it. Pop duo Milli Vanilli—fronted by Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan—came out of nowhere in the late 1980s to sell millions of records worldwide thanks to such as songs as “Girl You Know It's True,” “Blame It on the Rain,” and “Baby Don’t Forget My Number.” But fame and fortune caught up with Rob and Fab in 1990 when they clashed with their producer, European music impresario Frank Farian, prompting Farian to confirm what the world already suspected: that Rob and Fab were lip synching to songs recorded by other singers and rappers hired by Farian. Outraged fans and their supporters within the record industry immediately shunned Rob and Fab, and their efforts to mount comebacks both as a duo and as solo artists failed to gain traction. Rob died in 1998 of alcohol and prescription drugs causes; Fab, who now lives in Amsterdam with Tessa Van Der Steen and their children, still performs Milli Vanilli songs live in concert. Luke Korem’s interview subjects include Fab Morvan, Frank Farian’s assistant and former lover Ingrid “Milli” Segieth, many Milli Vanilli record label executives from both Europe and the United States, and the artists Farian recruited for his Milli Vanilli project, singer Brad Howell, rappers Charles Shaw and John Davis, and twin sisters Linda and Jodie Rocco, who provide backing vocals. Milli Vanilli is now available to stream on Paramount+. Austin-based documentary filmmaker Luke Korem previously directed Lord Montagu, Dealt, and the 4-part Showtime series Action.
Note: The winner of the Austin Film Critic Association's 2023 Film Award, Milli Vanilli receives a free screening at 1:45 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 20 at the AFS Cinema courtesy of the Austin Film Society. A maximum of 6 tickets per person are available at Aired: Nov. 22, 2023. Web sites: |