Brian Skiba,
Co-written and directed by Brian Skiba, the action thriller Pursuit stars Emile Hirsch as Rick Calloway, an infamous hacker who spares no mercy in his bid to find his abducted wife. But when he is arrested and transported to his native Arkansas, Rick not only has to contend with his organized crime-boss father John (John Cusack) but also the local drug dealers and the crooked cops who are out to get him. Pursuit also stars Jake Manley as Mike Breslin, the New York City cop on Rick's trail; Elizabeth Faith Ludlow as Zoe Carter, the Little Rock sheriff paired with Breslin; and veteran actor William Katt as Carter's superior Taye Biggs. Reuniting Never Grow Old stars Hirsch and Cusack, Pursuit is now available for digital and on-demand viewing and will be available on Blu-Ray/DVD on March 29. Brian Skiba previously directed The 2nd, Rottentail, Blood Moon Rising, and the yuletide offerings My Adventures with Santa, Christmas Truce, Beverly Hills Christmas, Merry Ex Mas, and Defending Santa. Aired: Feb. 17, 2022. Web site: |