Matt Riddlehoover,
"My Darling Vivian"
Directed by Matt Riddlehoover, the SXSW Film Festival documentary My Darling Vivian offers an intimate look at the life of Johnny Cash’s first wife, the San Antonio-born Vivian Liberto, from the four women who knew her best, daughters Rosanne, Kathy, Cindy, and Tara. Riddlehoover, who is married to Kathy Cash’s son and My Darling Vivian producer Dustin Tittle, assembles Liberto’s four daughters for separate interviews to tell the story of how Liberto met, married, and supported Johnny Cash before he enjoyed fame and fortune as one of the most importance and influential singer-songwriters of his generation. The documentary brings to the forefront a devoted mother and a private person whose role in Cash’s life was understated when they were together and forgotten when he married his second wife, singer June Carter. Matt Riddlehoover previously directed the documentary Gaze and the narrative features Strategy and Pursuit, What’s the Matter with Gerald, Paternity Leave, West Hollywood Motel,and Scenes from a Gay Marriage.
Please note this interview was conducted before the City of Austin canceled this year’s SXSW and makes reference to the film festival. Update: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, My Darling Vivian is currently available to stream through May 6 at as part of the Prime Video presents the SXSW 2020 Film Festival Collection. Aired: April 30, 2020 Web sites: |