John Stimpson,
"Ghost Light"
Co-written and directed by John Stimpson, the ensemble comedy Ghost Light takes its cue from the most infamous of theatrical superstitions, known as "The Scottish Curse." To speak the title "Macbeth" in a theatre is to invite bad luck. Unfortunately, while rehearsing for the "Scottish Play," one disgruntled member of a summer stock theatre company ignores superstition without care for the consequences. Very quickly, an otherworldly presence threatens to turn the production into a disaster. The cast is led by Roger Bart as the theatre company's harried director. Cary Elwes, Shannyn Sossamon, Tom Riley, Danielle Campbell, and Carol Kane are among the actors in the troupe. Ghost Light will screen 4 p.m. Oct. 26 at the Galaxy Highland 8 and 10 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Alamo Drafthouse Village. John Stimpson previously directed Beacon Hill, The Legend of Lucy Keyes, The March Sisters at Christmas, and The Spruces and the Pines. Note: Ghost Light is the winner of the Austin Film Festival's Best Narrative Feature in the Dark Matters category. Posted: Oct. 26, 2018 Web sites: |