Phillip Noyce,
"The Desperate Hour"
Directed by Phillip Noyce, the real-time thriller The Desperate Hour finds Naomi Watts’ recently widowed Amy out for a morning jog when she learns about an active shooter event at her son’s high school. Unable to reach her son by phone, and unsure of his involvement in the shooting, Amy embarks on a long and arduous run through treacherous woodlands to reach the high school with the hope of finding her son alive and well. The Desperate Hour is available for digital and on-demand viewing beginning Feb. 25 and will premiere April 19 on Blu-Ray and DVD. Phillip Noyce launched his career in his native Australia with Backroads, Newsfront, Heatwave, Echoes of Paradise, and Dead Calm before going to Hollywood to direct Blind Fury, the Jack Ryan franchise films Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, Silver, The Saint, The Bone Collector, Rabbit-Proof Fence, The Quiet American, Catch a Fire, Salt, The Giver, and Above Suspicion. He is now shooting the Pierce Brosnan crime thriller Fast Charlie. Aired: February 24, 2022. Web site: |