Al White,
Representing the directorial debut of British filmmaker and singer-songwriter Al White, Starfish focuses on the dissociative episode a grieving woman appears to experience following the death of her best friend. Played by The Runaways and Halloween's Virginia Gardner), Aubrey breaks into Grace's apartment in search of a letter Grace wrote to Aubrey before her death but never sent. Instead, Aubrey finds a mixtape Grace made that contains a mysterious signal that may possess the power to wipe out humanity. Aubrey soon finds herself trapped in a town inexplicably covered in snow, missing all its residents, and now populated by some very strange creatures. As the singer of the British indie rock band Ghostlight, Al White infuses Starfish with songs and music that help drive the narrative of this mournful fever dream. Writer/director Al White spoke with Lights Camera Austin during Fantastic Fest. Starfish will screen 2 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Alamo South Lamar during Fantastic Fest.
Note: Starfish will screen 3:20 p.m. April 19, 2019 at the Alamo Drafthouse Mueller. Aired: April 15, 2019 Web sites: |