Monique Straw,
"The Closet"
Written and directed by Timeca Seretti (left), the Austin-made short drama The Closet brings to light the domestic abuse a woman endures at the hands of the husband she still loves and cannot bring herself to leave. Monique Straw (right) stars as Haile, whose birthday is ruined when her jealous husband Michael (Richard Renteria) flies into an unprovoked violent rage. The Closet marks the directorial debut of Austin-based actress Timeca Seretti, who starred with Monique Straw in the 2014 short film The Gift. The Closet also represents the first film from Dames in Films, a network of women filmmakers that includes Timeca Seretti and Monique Straw. The Closet will screen between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27 as part of a short films block during the Capital City Black Film Festival at the Austin Convention Center. The Closet also will screen 7:45 p.m. Sept. 7 during the Austin Short Film Fest at the Moviehouse & Eatery Austin. The Closet writer/director Timeca Seretti joins actress Monique Straw during this interview.
Aired: Aug. 25, 2016 Web sites: and |