Kyle Bogart,
Written and directed by the Austin-based Kyle Bogart, the Fantastic Fest short dramedy Sprites imagines a near-future film industry that find human actors—known as legacy performers—competing against holographic projections for major and minors roles. One director finds herself questioning whether these so-called sprites can deliver the emotionally authentic performance she wants for her new film. Sprites stars Liz Beckham as the director, Lee Eddy as her producer, and Kriston Woodreaux as an actor—maybe a sprite, maybe not—who is forced to deliver Admiral James T. Kirk’s closing speech from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan under less-than-ideal circumstances. Sprites will screen 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23 and Monday, Sept. 24 at the Alamo South Lamar before the Fantastic Fest narrative feature Chained for Life. Kyle Bogart previously directed Room 314, Nerconomica, and the Fantastic Fest entry House of Straw.
Aired: Sept. 20, 2018 Web sites: |