Jason Reitman,
"The Front Runner"
Co-written and directed by Jason Reitman, the political drama The Front Runner chronicles the 1987 alleged affair that led to Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart bowing out of the 1988 race for the White House. Hugh Jackman plays the former Colorado senator, whose campaign crumbled when the media published allegations that the married Hart had entered into an affair with Donna Rice. Sara Paxton stars as Rice. The cast also includes Vera Farmiga as Hart’s wife Oletha, J. K. Simmons as Hart’s presidential campaign manager William B. Dixon, and Alfred Molina as The Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee. The Front Runner is based on the book “All the Truth Is Out: The Week Politics Went Tabloid” by Matt Bai, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jay Carson and director Jason Reitman. The Front Runner, which premiered locally during this year’s Austin Film Festival, opens Nov. 21 in Austin. Jason Reitman previously directed Thank You for Smoking, Juno, Up in the Air, Young Adult, Labor Day, Tully, and the Austin-shot Men, Women, and Children. Aired: Nov. 15, 2018 Web sites: |