Austin Culp,
"Titty Boy"
Written and directed by the Austin-based Austin Culp, the semi-autobiographical short comedy Titty Boy focuses on a high school student with gynecomastia who has had enough of being body shamed because of his enlarged male breasts. After his parents tell him they cannot afford surgery, Trey (Anthony Ezell) stumbles into a money-making venture that requires exploiting those who have bullied him for years while affording the opportunity to reclaim ownership of his body. Titty Boy screens during the Austin Film Festival as part of the “Best Lil' Shorts in Texas 1” shorts package at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 27 and 4:15 p.m. Oct. 31 at the Rollins Theatre at the Long Center for Performing Arts. Titty Boy represents Austin Culp’s first short film. He serves as the Austin Film Society’s director of marketing. Posted: Oct. 26, 2023 Web sites: |