Dusty Nelson,
Written and directed by Dusty Nelson, the 1980 thriller Effects finds inspiration in the possible existence of “snuff films,” a genre that purportedly depict actual murders for financial gain and private entertainment. Set during the making of a low-budget film at an isolated location, Effects follows a cinematographer (Joseph Pilato) who begins to suspect that there may be more to the deaths written into the film within the film. The cast includes Effects producer John Harrison as a shady director and legendary special effects artist Tom Savini as a film crew. Savini also served as Effects’ makeup artist. Effects will screen 10 p.m. Aug. 22 at the Alamo Ritz as part of the Alamo20 anniversary series. Writer/director Dusty Nelson, Tom Savini, Joseph Pilato, John Harrison, Pat Buba, and Zilla Clinton will reunite for a post-screening Q&A that will be Skyped to other Drafthouse theaters. The American Genre Film Archive will release the 4K transfer of Effects on Blu-Ray and DVD. In addition to Effects, Dusty Nelson directed Sakura Killers, White Phantom, Necromancer and Inferno.
Aired: Aug. 17, 2017 Web sites: |