Jessie Auritt,
"Feed the Bears"
Directed by Jessie Auritt, the short documentary Feed the Bears examines the interactions between a small group of Eagle Rock, Minn., residents and the local population of black bears they choose to feed by hand. Feed the Bears will screen at 7 p.m. July 18 at the AFS Cinema as part of the encore screening of the AFS Member ShortCase 2022. The program, which features seven short films made by Austin Film Society members, originally screened as part of this year’s SXSW Film Festival Community Screening series. The Austin-based Jessie Auritt previously co-directed the SXSW Film Festival 2020 short documentary The Paint Wizzard about South Austin transgender housepainter Millicent "Millie" McCrory. She also directed the documentary Supergirl.
Aired: July 12, 2022. Web sites: |