Chris Eska, writer/director,
"The Retrieval"
Directed by the Austin-based Chris Eska, the Civil War-era drama The Retreival focuses on Will (Ashton Sanders), a young African-American boy who works for a white bounty hunter, and the fugitive freedman Nate (Tishuan Scott). Will and his uncle Marcus (Keston John) are tasked by their ruthless employer to locate and capture the Nate. Will’s loyalties are quickly put to the test when he locates and befriends Nate. The Retrieval premiered at last year’s SXSW Film Festival, where Scott received a Special Jury Prize for Acting, and will open May 2 in Austin. Writer/director Chris Eska, producer Jason Wehling, and star Tishuan Scott will participate in post-screening Q&As at 7:40 p.m. May 2, May 3, May 9, and May 10 at the Regal Arbor. Chris Eska previously directed August Evening and contributed a segment to Slacker 2011.
Aired: May 1, 2014 Web site: |