Eric Power,
Andreas Petersen,
"Attack of the Demons"
In Austin-based director Eric Power’s hand-drawn, animated horror comedy Attack of the Demons, a Halloween Battle of the Bands turns into a bloodbath when a doomsday cult unleashes an unstoppable force of evil on the small town of Barrington. Survivors Kevin, Jeff, and Natalie must fend off the victims of demonic possession in order to stop an ancient malevolent being from escaping Barrington and turning the rest of humanity into its monstrous slave army. Attack of the Demons screenwriter Andreas Petersen voices arcade game enthusiast Jeff, Thomas Petersen voices horror film aficionado Kevin, and Katie Maguire voices music lover Natalie. Attack of the Demons is now available for VOD and digital viewing. Austin-based animator Eric Power previously directed Path of Blood. Attack of the Demons represents Salt Lake City-based writer Andreas Petersen’s first produced screenplay.
Aired: Nov. 19, 2020. Web sites: |