Jon M. Gibson,
iam8bit founder,
"Alita: Battle Angel—Passport to Iron City"
The Alita: Battle Angel—Passport to Iron City interactive event at Austin Studios offers participants an opportunity to enter and experience for themselves the cyberpunk world created by director Robert Rodriguez and writer/producer James Cameron for their sci-fi epic that is based on the 1990s Japanese manga series by Yukito Kishiro. Teams of two to six people meet and strategize in the Kansas Bar before heading into the 1,200-square-foot replica of Iron City’s marketplace, cyborg scrapyard, laboratories, and Motorball stadium. Participants then receive 40 minutes to complete a series of games and tasks against rival teams to earn as many credits as possible. Passport to Iron City concludes with its variation on Alita: Battle Angel’s Motorball race, and placing a bet on the victor makes all the difference between winning and losing the event. Passport to Iron City is staged in partnership between production company iam8bit and Alita: Battle Angel producers The Seelig Group (TSG). The Alita: Battle Angel—Passport to Iron City interactive event at Austin Studios closes March 31.
Aired: March 25, 2019 Web sites: |