Andrew C. Richey, co-producer,
"Code Black"
Co-produced by the Austin-based Andrew C. Richey, the documentary Code Black captures the organized chaos of daily life in L.A. County Hospital’s Emergency Department. Physician Ryan McGarry directed Code Black while in training at L.A County Hospital. The documentary is a first-hand account of the issues McGarry and his fellow resident physicians had to overcome when the L.A County Hospital moved from its old building, where they could treat critical patients in an open area known as “C-Block,” to its new and less intimate building. McGarry now serves as an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine and a physician at The Weill Medical College of Cornell University/New York Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. Andrew C. Richey's upcoming projects include the Corsicana-shot feature Love Land and the documentary Working Class Heroes. Code Black opened Aug. 1 in Austin.
Aired: July 31, 2014 Web site: |