Brock Harris,
"Dance Dads"
Co-written and directed by the Austin-based Brock Harris, the mockumentary Dance Dads finds a newly divorced father trying to get his life back in order though dance. Played by co-writer Jared Bonner, Marco forms a single dads dance team—named the Marco Polos—not just to boost his self-esteem but to win back his estranged ex-wife Karen, who has sole custody of his son. The cast includes Harris as the Marco Polos’ resident hunk Danny Jenkins, Gabrielle Ruiz as Marco’s ex-wife Karen Crick-Mercury, Ralph Perkins as Marco’s father and dance instructor Pete Mercury, Kat McNamara as Marco’s potential love interest Kassie Goodhart, and Matthew Daddario as Dom Feliciani, the director making a documentary about the Marco Polos. Dance Dads will screen at 9:45 p.m. Nov. 1 at the Rollins Long Center and 2:45 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Galaxy Theatres Austin during the Austin Film Festival. Austin-based actor and filmmaker Brock Harris previously the 2021 contemporary western Wild Game, which he also co-wrote with Dance Dads’ Jared Bonner. Aired: Nov. 1, 2022. Web site: |