Parker Smith,
"Ramblin' Freak"
Parker Smith’s Ramblin’ Freak follows the Austin-based director as he travels to New York to interview Gregg Valentino, a bodybuilder known as “The Man Whose Arms Exploded.” Smith’s road trip, though, is less about the destination than the journey. A family tragedy has left Smith grief stricken and struggling with guilt. Smith finds a personal connection to Valentino after he discovers a private videotape of the bodybuilder, and it prompts him to hit the road to work through his issues. Ramblin’ Freak will screen during the SXSW Film Festival at 10 p.m. March 16 and 11:30 a.m. March 18 at the Alamo South Lamar. The documentary marks the directorial debut of Austin-based director Parker Smith.
Aired: March 16, 2017 Web site: |