David Hickey,
Secrets and lies haunt two men in Homestate, a family drama directed by the Austin-based David Hickey. He stars as Harvey Hill, whose recent religious awakening and work-related activities intrude upon his time with wife Crystal (Hickey’s real-life wife Shaneye Ferrell) and their daughter Pearl (Hickey and Ferrell’s daughter Grace Love). The unexpected arrival of Crystal’s brother Josh (Homestate co-writer Blaise Miller) on their doorstep only further complicates matters for Harvey. Josh refuses to explains why he’s come to visit and what he’s running away from. David Hickey previously directed Brownwood and Baghdad Texas, which both starred his wife Shaneye Ferrell. Homestate will screen 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at the Rollins Theatre and 6:30 pm. Wednesday, Oct. 19 at the Galaxy Highland 9 during the Austin Film Festival. Aired: Oct. 6, 2016 Web sites: and |