Dean Cates,
Writer/director Mickey Keating’s horror film POD pits three siblings against a creature of possible unknown origin that’s trapped in the basement of a family lake house. Brian Morvant plays the veteran whose paranoid rantings and ravings provoke his brother and sister to drive from Florida to Maine to stage an intervention. Dean Cates and Lauren Ashley Carter play the siblings who come to realize that their brother may not be all that crazy. Mickey Keating previously directed Ritual, which also starred Dean Cates. POD will screen 11:30 p.m. March 19 at the Alamo South Lamar as part of the SXSW Film Festival. Brian Morvant, wBrian MorvantBrian Morvantriter/director Mickey Keating, and composer Giona Ostinelli join Dean Cates during this interview. Aired: March 19, 2015 Web sites: and |