Chris McInroy,
"We Summoned a Demon"
Written and directed by the Austin-based Chris McInroy, the horror comedy short We Summoned a Demon serves as a hilarious cautionary tale for anyone who dabbles in black magic for the silliest of reasons. Two men (McInroy regulars Kirk C. Johnson and Carlos Larotta) must fight back against the demon (John Orr) they accidently summon while performing a satanic ritual spell in a warehouse. We Summoned a Demon, which premiered locally during this year's Other Worlds Austin, is now available for streaming at Vimeo. The soundtrack by Bird Peterson also is available for streaming on Spotify. Chris McInroy previously directed the horror comedy shorts Death Metal and Bad Guy # 2. He is one of the directors of the upcoming horror anthology film Scare Package.
Aired: Dec. 13, 2018 Web sites: |