Justin Meeks,
"Kill or Be Killed"
Directed by the Austin-based Duane Graves and Justin Meeks, the western Kill or be Killed chronicles the bloody exploits of a gang of outlaws as they ride across Texas to retrieve a bag of coins that is hidden in a well in Galveston. The gang manages to keep ahead of the posse that’s vowed to bring them to justice “dead or alive”—but not the mysterious killer who is eliminating each outlaw one at a time. The cast includes Justin Meeks, as gang leader Claude “Sweet Tooth” Barbee, and Paul Mccarthy-Buyington, as fellow outlaw “Slap” Jack Davis. Shot under the title Red on Yella, Kill a Fella, Kill or Be Killed is now available on DVD and VOD. Duane Graves and Justin Meeks previously directed The Wild Man of the Navidad and The Butcher Boys. Aired: June 23, 2016 Web sites: and |