Director Jon Schnitzer,
scare actor Shar Mayer,
"Haunters: The Art of the Scare"
Wanna see something really scary? Then Jon Schnitzer is your man. He spent three years making his documentary Haunters: The Art of the Scare about the amateurs responsible for the best or scariest haunted houses in the United States. His subjects include scare actor Shar Mayer, the Nightmare on Loganberry haunter Donald Julson, and the controversial Russ McKamey, whose extreme haunted house McKamey Manor denies convention by specializing in all but the physical and psychological torture of its handpicked patrons. Haunters: The Art of the Scare received its world premiere during this year’s Fantastic Fest and will be available on digital, Blu-Ray and DVD on Oct. 3. Jon Schnitzer (left) and scare actor Shar Mayer (right) discussed Haunters: The Art of the Scare during Fantastic Fest. Aired: Sept. 28, 2017 Web sites: |