Julio Quintana,
"Blue Miracle"
Directed by the Austin-based Julio Quintana, the Netflix family film Blue Miracle loosely recalls how a Mexican orphanage competed in the 2014 Bisbee's Black & Blue sports-fishing tournament in a bid to win the money prize needed to keep its doors open. Jimmy Gonzales (Lodge 49, Mayans M.C.) stars as "Papa" Omar, the dedicated caregiver at Casa Hogar in Cabo San Lucas. With the bank threatening to shut down the financially strapped orphanage, Omar forms an uneasy alliance with cantankerous fishing boat captain Wade (Dennis Quaid) to compete in the famed tournament with a small group of children from Casa Hogar. Blue Miracle premiered May 28 on Netflix. The Austin-based Julio Quintana previously directed The Vessel, which counted Terrence Malick among its executive producers. Aired: May 27, 2021. Web sites: |