Lisa Donato,
New Austinite Lisa Donato’s short comedy Sugarhiccup finds a woman struggling to understand why her fiancée has disappeared for a weekend with telling her where’s she’s gone and what it means for their engagement. The audience knows where Zoe’s (Leila Vatan) gone—she writes down her destination on a sticky note that falls to the ground out of sight. So a clueless Marie (Fawzia Mirza) spends a weekend attempting to track down Zoe and crying on the shoulder of her best friend, Jesse (Nikki Caster). A susceptible Marie soon falls under Jesse’s bad influence. Sugarhiccup will screen during the Big As Texas Short Film Festival. The festival will held at 10 a.m. Dec. 12 at Southwest Theaters. Aired: Dec. 10, 2015 Web sites:,, and |